# Test Queue Health
# Developed by Babu Dhinakaran S
# To execute from within NSClient++
#[/settings/external scripts/scripts]
#ps2 = cmd /c echo scripts\\test.ps1 | PowerShell.exe -command -
# On the check_nrpe command include the -t 30, since it takes some time to load the Exchange cmdlet's.
#Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010
#Add-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010
[int[]]$NagiosStatus = "3"
$NagiosDescription = ""
$key = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$value = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$getpos = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
[String[]]$scontent = ""
[String[]]$shcontent = ""
[String[]]$otcontent = ""
#$Queue = Get-Queue -server test.test.COM
ForEach ($Queue in Get-Queue -Server test.test.COM)
# ForEach Queue Handle the Identity and Message Count
$r_key = $key.Add("$kv")
$r_value = $value.Add("$vv")
#Write-Host "Before Any Operation:"
#Write-Host $key
#Write-Host $value
ForEach ($scontent in $key)
if ($scontent.contains("Submission"))
# Write-Host "removed Submission"
# Write-Host "$i th Position:" $i
#Process the submission queue and remove it from the ArrayList
[int[]]$sub_val = $value[$i]
if ($sub_val -gt "10")
# Format the output for Nagios
if ($NagiosDescription -ne "")
$NagiosDescription = $NagiosDescription + ", "
$NagiosDescription = $NagiosDescription + $key[$i] + " queue has " + $value[$i] + " messages"
# Set the status to failed.
$NagiosStatus = "2"
elseif ($sub_val -gt "6")
if ($NagiosDescription -ne "")
$NagiosDescription = $NagiosDescription + ", "
$NagiosDescription = $NagiosDescription + $key[$i] + " queue has " + $value[$i] + " messages"
# Don't lower the status level if we already have a critical event
if ($NagiosStatus -ne "2")
$NagiosStatus = "1"
#Write-Host "After Submission Operation:"
#Write-Host $key
#Write-Host $value
ForEach ($shcontent in $key)
if ($shcontent.contains("Shadow"))
#Write-Host "Removed Shadow"
#Process the Shadow queue and remove it from the ArrayList
#Write-Host "Value of value:" $value[$i]
[int[]]$shadow_value = $value[$i]
if ( $shadow_value -gt "3" )
# Format the output for Nagios
if ($NagiosDescription -ne "")
$NagiosDescription = $NagiosDescription + ", "
$NagiosDescription = $NagiosDescription + $key[$i] + " queue has " + $value[$i] + " messages"
# Set the status to failed.
$NagiosStatus = "2"
elseif ($shadow_value -gt "2")
if ($NagiosDescription -ne "")
$NagiosDescription = $NagiosDescription + ", "
$NagiosDescription = $NagiosDescription + $key[$i] + " queue has " + $value[$i] + " messages"
# Don't lower the status level if we already have a critical event
if ($NagiosStatus -ne "2")
$NagiosStatus = "1"
$r_getops = $getpos.Add("$i")
$i = $i + 1
#key length calculation
# write a subroutine to calculate string lenght
Function flength ([String[]]$skey)
ForEach ( $content in $skey )
$len = $len + 1
return $len - 1
ForEach ( $pos in $getpos )
# if the range is not null, call subroutine to calculate the length of key and get the position to delete it.
$kl = flength $key
if ( $pos -gt $kl )
#Write-Host "After Shadow Operation:"
#Write-Host $key
#Write-Host $value
ForEach ($otcontent in $key)
#Process the Other queue
[int[]]$ot_value = $value[$i]
if ($ot_value -gt "10")
# Format the output for Nagios
if ($NagiosDescription -ne "")
$NagiosDescription = $NagiosDescription + ", "
$NagiosDescription = $NagiosDescription + $key[$i] + " queue has " + $value[$i] + " messages"
# Set the status to failed.
$NagiosStatus = "2"
elseif ($ot_value -gt "5")
if ($NagiosDescription -ne "")
$NagiosDescription = $NagiosDescription + ", "
$NagiosDescription = $NagiosDescription + $key[$i] + " queue has " + $value[$i] + " messages"
# Don't lower the status level if we already have a critical event
if ($NagiosStatus -ne "2")
$NagiosStatus = "1"
$i = $i + 1
# Output, what level should we tell our caller?
if ($NagiosStatus -eq "2") {
Write-Host "CRITICAL: " $NagiosDescription
exit 2
} elseif ($NagiosStatus -eq "1") {
Write-Host "WARNING: " $NagiosDescription
exit 1
} else {
Write-Host "OK: All mail queues within limits."
exit 0
#Write-Host $key and $value
#Write-Host "After all Operation:"
#Write-Host $key
#Write-Host $value
# Developed by Babu Dhinakaran S
# To execute from within NSClient++
#[/settings/external scripts/scripts]
#ps2 = cmd /c echo scripts\\test.ps1 | PowerShell.exe -command -
# On the check_nrpe command include the -t 30, since it takes some time to load the Exchange cmdlet's.
#Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010
#Add-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010
[int[]]$NagiosStatus = "3"
$NagiosDescription = ""
$key = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$value = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$getpos = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
[String[]]$scontent = ""
[String[]]$shcontent = ""
[String[]]$otcontent = ""
#$Queue = Get-Queue -server test.test.COM
ForEach ($Queue in Get-Queue -Server test.test.COM)
# ForEach Queue Handle the Identity and Message Count
$r_key = $key.Add("$kv")
$r_value = $value.Add("$vv")
#Write-Host "Before Any Operation:"
#Write-Host $key
#Write-Host $value
ForEach ($scontent in $key)
if ($scontent.contains("Submission"))
# Write-Host "removed Submission"
# Write-Host "$i th Position:" $i
#Process the submission queue and remove it from the ArrayList
[int[]]$sub_val = $value[$i]
if ($sub_val -gt "10")
# Format the output for Nagios
if ($NagiosDescription -ne "")
$NagiosDescription = $NagiosDescription + ", "
$NagiosDescription = $NagiosDescription + $key[$i] + " queue has " + $value[$i] + " messages"
# Set the status to failed.
$NagiosStatus = "2"
elseif ($sub_val -gt "6")
if ($NagiosDescription -ne "")
$NagiosDescription = $NagiosDescription + ", "
$NagiosDescription = $NagiosDescription + $key[$i] + " queue has " + $value[$i] + " messages"
# Don't lower the status level if we already have a critical event
if ($NagiosStatus -ne "2")
$NagiosStatus = "1"
#Write-Host "After Submission Operation:"
#Write-Host $key
#Write-Host $value
ForEach ($shcontent in $key)
if ($shcontent.contains("Shadow"))
#Write-Host "Removed Shadow"
#Process the Shadow queue and remove it from the ArrayList
#Write-Host "Value of value:" $value[$i]
[int[]]$shadow_value = $value[$i]
if ( $shadow_value -gt "3" )
# Format the output for Nagios
if ($NagiosDescription -ne "")
$NagiosDescription = $NagiosDescription + ", "
$NagiosDescription = $NagiosDescription + $key[$i] + " queue has " + $value[$i] + " messages"
# Set the status to failed.
$NagiosStatus = "2"
elseif ($shadow_value -gt "2")
if ($NagiosDescription -ne "")
$NagiosDescription = $NagiosDescription + ", "
$NagiosDescription = $NagiosDescription + $key[$i] + " queue has " + $value[$i] + " messages"
# Don't lower the status level if we already have a critical event
if ($NagiosStatus -ne "2")
$NagiosStatus = "1"
$r_getops = $getpos.Add("$i")
$i = $i + 1
#key length calculation
# write a subroutine to calculate string lenght
Function flength ([String[]]$skey)
ForEach ( $content in $skey )
$len = $len + 1
return $len - 1
ForEach ( $pos in $getpos )
# if the range is not null, call subroutine to calculate the length of key and get the position to delete it.
$kl = flength $key
if ( $pos -gt $kl )
#Write-Host "After Shadow Operation:"
#Write-Host $key
#Write-Host $value
ForEach ($otcontent in $key)
#Process the Other queue
[int[]]$ot_value = $value[$i]
if ($ot_value -gt "10")
# Format the output for Nagios
if ($NagiosDescription -ne "")
$NagiosDescription = $NagiosDescription + ", "
$NagiosDescription = $NagiosDescription + $key[$i] + " queue has " + $value[$i] + " messages"
# Set the status to failed.
$NagiosStatus = "2"
elseif ($ot_value -gt "5")
if ($NagiosDescription -ne "")
$NagiosDescription = $NagiosDescription + ", "
$NagiosDescription = $NagiosDescription + $key[$i] + " queue has " + $value[$i] + " messages"
# Don't lower the status level if we already have a critical event
if ($NagiosStatus -ne "2")
$NagiosStatus = "1"
$i = $i + 1
# Output, what level should we tell our caller?
if ($NagiosStatus -eq "2") {
Write-Host "CRITICAL: " $NagiosDescription
exit 2
} elseif ($NagiosStatus -eq "1") {
Write-Host "WARNING: " $NagiosDescription
exit 1
} else {
Write-Host "OK: All mail queues within limits."
exit 0
#Write-Host $key and $value
#Write-Host "After all Operation:"
#Write-Host $key
#Write-Host $value