Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Core
#Run this by opening VMware PowerCLI tool and connect using connect-VIserver
$pscrd = Get-Credential
Connect-VIServer -Server -Credential $pscrd
Write-Host "Current script directory is $ScriptDir"
$CurrDate = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"
$SubCurrDate = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
$agree= "N"
Write-Host "Before you run the code. Makesure, to have required back-up of VMs for any recovery" -BackgroundColor DarkRed
$agree = Read-Host "You want to proceed: Y/N"
If( $agree -eq "Y" -or $agree -eq "y" )
#Flag to validate the ZERO Byte VMs
# This will get us the complete list of VMs in the inventory
#$vms = Get-VM
$vms = Get-VM #-Name TESTVM_KDC_03
$status_coll = @()
$vm_coll = @()
# Loop-in throught the Vm with various validation and checks
foreach($vm in $vms)
$regvm = "" | Select-Object VMName,PowerState,UsedSpaceGB,vmPathName,Remarks
$vm_state = "" | Select-Object VMName,PowerState,UsedSpaceGB,vmPathName,Remarks
If($vm.UsedSpaceGB -eq 0 -And $vm.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn")
# If a VM is found to be a Zero byte space
# execute the registration process
$vmname = $vm.Name
#Write-Host "This is a Zero Byte VM and is in PowerON state: $vm.Name"
#code to re-register the VM from the Inventory
$resourcePool = Get-ResourcePool -VM $vm
$vmPathName = $vm.ExtensionData.Config.Files.VmPathName
#VM resource details
$vm_state.VMName = $vmname
$vm_pstate = $vm.PowerState
$vm_state.PowerState = $vm_pstate
$vm_usedspaceGB = $vm.UsedSpaceGB
$vm_state.UsedSpaceGB = $vm_usedspaceGB
$vm_state.vmPathName = $vmPathName
$vm_state.Remarks = "DataCollection"
get-vm $vmname | Stop-VM -confirm:$false
$vm_stp_status = get-vm $vmname
#Validate VM status condition block to remove from Inventory and re-registration
If($vm_stp_status.PowerState -eq "PoweredOff")
# Knock off the VMs from the Inventory without deleting the vmx file from the pool
# Which is made as false and never make it true or remove the below Switch else Data loss will happen
#Cautious note touch the below line only when you are aware what you are doing.
Remove-VM -VM $vm -DeletePermanently:$false -Confirm:$false
New-VM -VMFilePath $vmPathName -ResourcePool $resourcePool -Confirm:$false
$vm_new_status = get-vm $vmname
start-vm $vm_new_status -confirm:$false
$vm_strt_status = get-vm $vmname
#If the start of VM is successfull on the return
If($vm_strt_status.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn" -and $vm_strt_status.UsedSpaceGB -ne 0)
# Collect the server saying sucessfull registration
$regvm.VMName = $vmname
$vm_strt_pstate = $vm_strt_status.PowerState
$regvm.PowerState = $vm_strt_pstate
$vm_strt_usedspaceGB = $vm_strt_status.UsedSpaceGB
$regvm.UsedSpaceGB = $vm_strt_usedspaceGB
$regvm.vmPathName = $vmPathName
$regvm.Remarks = "Registered successfully"
$regvm.VMName = $vmname
$vm_strt_pstate = $vm_strt_status.PowerState
$regvm.PowerState = $vm_strt_pstate
$vm_strt_usedspaceGB = $vm_strt_status.UsedSpaceGB
$regvm.UsedSpaceGB = $vm_strt_usedspaceGB
$regvm.vmPathName = $vmPathName
$regvm.Remarks = "Couldn't register, Please check Manually"
#Couldn't stop VM for re-registration process
$regvm.VMName = $vmname
$vm_stp_pstate = $vm_stp_status.PowerState
$regvm.PowerState = $vm_stp_pstate
$vm_strt_usedspaceGB = $vm_stp_status.UsedSpaceGB
$regvm.UsedSpaceGB = $vm_strt_usedspaceGB
$regvm.vmPathName = $vmPathName
$regvm.Remarks = "Couldn't stop VM for re-registration process"
$status_coll = $status_coll + $regvm
$vm_coll = $vm_coll + $vm_state
Write-Host "Vmware Registration Status" -BackgroundColor DarkCyan
Write-Host "Vmware Info details" -BackgroundColor DarkMagenta
$reg_path = $ScriptDir + "\InventoryRegistration.csv"
$status_coll | Export-Csv -Path $reg_path -NoTypeInformation
$vmstatuspath = $ScriptDir + "\Vms_status.csv"
$vm_coll | Export-Csv -Path $vmstatuspath -NoTypeInformation
If( $flag -eq 0)
Write-Host "No VMs with Zero Byte found with PoweredON state"